


  1. 血管造影:醫生會經導管注射顯影劑,當顯影劑流經血管的同時,在X光下觀察血管分佈和型態,從而準確檢查血管是否有狹窄和堵塞的情況,以及其他異常問題。
  2. 血管擴張:通過導管,醫生可以將一個特殊的膨脹球囊通過導管導入到狹窄或阻塞的冠狀動脈段中。一旦球囊處於合適的位置,醫生會使球囊擴張,從而壓縮冠狀動脈內的血管斑塊。
  3. 冠狀動脈支架植入:醫生會將一個球囊導管送至病變區域,然後將球囊充氣擴張,以撐開狹窄的動脈。接著,醫生會在擴張後的動脈內植入一個網狀支架,支架可以長期支撐冠狀動脈,確保血流通暢,並防止動脈再次出現收窄或阻塞的情況。


Benefits With Our Service

Our Technicians believe in the value that give you high quality of technology for your health safety. We have specialist for emergency health care service in your home at on time. They are highly trained for quickly response and provide great service to the our patients.

Health Tips & Info

We feel that our technicians are best part of heart hospital is often unrecognized for its contribution to the profitability & success of a hospital. We believe in success of our hospital in the world.
There are many variations of healthcare of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some steps, by installing technology in healthcare hospital.
There are many variations of healthcare of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some steps, by installing technology in healthcare hospital.
There are many variations of healthcare of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some steps, by installing technology in healthcare hospital.

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